Bipod Mast Force Analysis:
angle of mast
angle of side stay
wind force estimate:
initial guess values:
balance of force and moment equations:
moment about windward mast anchor point
stay tension (total for both stays):
tension in windward mast spar:
compression of leeward mast spar:
Side stays only need to support longitudinal forces on rig ~550 max each. They can be made from 7/64" Amsteel rated for 1,200 (purchase from
Mast spars should be designed to support ~750 lbs in both compression and tension without significant deflections
alternate moment balance eqn:
Longitudinal stay tension estimate:
distance from rear stay tang to mast tang
rear stay angle with deck
horizontal force per stay
tension in each stay
Mast design against buckling:
Design buckling load:
material properties (carbon fiber "cf"):
mast cross section geometry:
length required
per mast